Sunday, February 24, 2013

Room Design for 2013 Revealed! (Post 9 2/24/13)

Welcome Haunters to another Yard of Terror Blog. Sorry once again for posting the Blog late again. The weeks have been very long here lately. As many of you have read the Blog title, and have seen the picture above i have went ahead and released one of my room designs for the 2013 season!

The Butcher Shop will return for the 2013 season but will be bloodier than ever! For 2013 I plan to give the butcher shop it's very own walk through room, where over the past few seasons it has just been displayed on my porch.

In the past I have played the Butcher, I may play that character again this year, but I have not decided. The Butcher Shop room has to be one of my favorite areas to build! I can't wait to design a whole room design this year for the crazy Butcher!

Be on the look out for more room designs to be reveled over the next seven months as we get closer to Halloween night! Building has not yet begun as the weather has not been warm enough to be out side, but once Spring rolls around the building shall begin.

Till next time Haunters, Happy Haunting and Keep it Spooky!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Haunt Design Kit (Post 8 2/16/13)

Welcome Haunters to another Yard of Terror Blog, sorry for posting this a day late, this week has been a very very long week, heck we even had a holiday. Happy late Valentine's Day everyone! Hope everyone had a good week and a great Valentine's Day.

I bet your wondering what the picture I postd above is, well last night I was on Facebook and on the side of the screen I came across a small icon that read "Haunt Design Kit", I was curious so I clicked on it and came upon this website: What I descovered was pretty cool! This website allows you to download certain items to build your haunt in a 3D model in Google Sketch Up.

I plan on using this site since I already have Google Sketch Up on my computer, I rarely use it but I have it so why not put it to use. Below I have posted a picture of just a few of the items that you can  download from the Haunt Design Kit website to design your 3D model:

This website software will help me out a lot when planning the Yard of Terror this year. Like I keep mentioning I will soon post my plans for the 2013 season soon so keep your eyes open. Well my fellow haunters I hope that you check out the really awesome website that I posted in this Blog this week, and can't wait to start using it myself.
Till next time Happy haunting and Keep it Spooky!

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Planning Continues for Yard of Terror 2013 (Post 7 2/8/13)

TGIF...Welcome Haunters! It's finally Friday!!! Hope everyone had an awesome week and is ready for some Haunt build news!!!

That's right...Haunt Build News for 2013! All week long I have been getting ideas popping up in my head of room designs, props I want/want to build and more! I have to Thank Troy from the Halloween Hellmouth Yard Haunt Vlogs on YouTube for getting my 2013 ideas flowing. I view Troy's Vlog everday and get some pretty cool ideas here and there from Troy, Lori-Lee and the other subscribers on his channel. I would definitely recommend  subscribing to Troy's Halloween Hellmouth YouTube channel is you are a Yard or Home Haunter! Type Halloween Hellmouth in the YouTube search bar and it will lead you to his channel. Thanks again Troy for Vloging everyday!

I don't want to give away to much just yet of what I have in store for 2013 just yet. We are however stepping up the scares in 2013 for sure! Ok I can't keep it in I have to tell you one prop we plan on buying this year for the Haunt. Arter visiting I spotted an awesome animatronic rop that I must buy this year for the haunt! (Rosemary Zombie Girl Animated Prop) :

This prop is Bad A** for sure! I have so many great ideas going through my head of what I can design around this prop! I will surely let everyone know what I have in store at a later time.

Another prop that I would like to build this year is a Mausoleum for my Graveyard. I will let you all know for the 2013 Yard Haunt I plan on moving the Graveyard to a bigger are, more details to follow on where also at a later time.

Well Haunters I need to hop off here, don't want to spill too many beans for 2013 just yet. :)  Hope everyone has a Fun and Safe weekend...Till next time Happy Haunting everyone!


Friday, February 1, 2013

Hotel Transylvania Friday! (Post 6 2/1/13)

Welcome Haunters! Hope everyone had a great week and was safe from all the crazy weather we've been having!

Yard of Terror was un able to be on this weeks HauntersTalkMayhem due to personal issues this week. We do however plan to be on the show in the near future. I had to serve a few days of Jury Duty and had some other issues. I will keep everyone posted when we plan to be on the show.

If you are wondering why I have posted the photo above of the banner from banner from the movie Hotel Transylvania, it is because I watched this movie today and have to give it two thumbs up! The movie was very cute and reminded me so much of  Halloween! I won't spoil it for anyone but it is a must see among us haunters!

I'm going to make this a short Blog this week, sorry for the inconvenience, it has been a very long week for me. Hope you all have a spooky and fun weekend and we shall see you next week.

 Happy Haunting, till next time!